Monday, 29 September 2014

Do you want to pitch for public sector contracts but don’t where to start?

For a one-off payment of £299 (plus VAT), Green Gain will provide you with one-to-one support to get you tender-ready. For this one-off fee, we will:

  • ·        Conduct a site visit and ‘readiness assessment’ – this will involve getting a broad understanding of your business and its ability to service the public sector. Understanding your assets, infrastructure, personnel and customer services will be an essential part of this task.
  • ·        Register with up to 10 public sector procurement portals – once we have collected your company information we will create a profile, keywords and register with up to 10 public sector portals that befit your geographic and sectoral coverage. We will set up daily / weekly email alerts to a dedicated person within the company for them to peruse the relevant opportunities.
  • ·        Review your company policies, procedures and financial standing – we will assess your company policies (including Health & safety, Environmental, Quality, Equal Opportunities policies etc) to assess their robustness and ability to satisfy public sector procurement needs. We will make recommendations on areas of improvement.

This foundation will ensure you are ready to grow your business, diversify into public sector markets and access millions of pounds worth of public sector contracts.

We have been appointed as a bid-writer for a large UK-based regional waste management company. Over the past 2 years, we have successfully secured 2 large NHS waste collections contracts, 2 integrated waste management contracts for academic institutions and 2 large scale WEEE and bulk hauling contracts on behalf of North East England local authorities. We also secured nearly £100,000 from WRAP to purchase a vehicle for the collection of commercially-sourced food waste for the company. Collectively, these contracts are worth approximately £12 million per year to the company.

So if you require a fresh approach to bid-writing then get in touch to see how our professional, friendly and confidential approach can help strengthen your business.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Are you paying too much for your business electricity and gas?

Sourcing energy is a real challenge for businesses. Most of the businesses we work closely with struggle to answer the following questions:
  • Are we getting a good deal from our existing energy provider?
  • Are we paying too much for our energy?
  • Why aren't we being supplied with green energy?
  • How can we avoid paying climate change levy charges?
Green Gain through our partnership with Green Energy Consulting is now able to answer these questions for you. Our team can help you understand the energy marketplace and find a supplier and contract to suit your business needs. We will help you to lower overall tariff rates, advise on long term contracts, and move your energy to renewable supplies. In doing so we can establish products that are exempt from the Climate Change Levy charges.

We are able to use our high-level energy supplier relationships and buying power to access products unavailable to the market place directly, to secure you the best green energy deal available. All clients, from SME to large corporate level businesses, can now benefit from bespoke energy management and an end‐to‐end service. 

Where it is not possible to use renewable energy, our carbon management strategies can be implemented to offset the carbon use of your energy in a cost effective way.

By identifying affordable and practical green solutions, our customers can benefit from:
  • exemption from Climate Change Levy charges;
  • a reduction in energy expenditure;
  • access bespoke services with enhanced green credentials; and
  • increased social, environmental and ethical responsibility.
Contact us today for a free, no obligation review of how you source you energy:
email: or call: 07519428475