Green Gain’s technical support is helping waste management companies to
develop new services collecting food waste.
Green Gain recently developed a good practice guidance
document, on behalf of WRAP, aimed at waste management companies and local
authorities, to encourage the collection of food waste from small to medium
sized enterprises (SMEs), public sector bodies, and larger businesses. It
provides a step-by-step approach to the implementation of a commercial food
waste collection service based on learning from 10 WRAP-funded business food
waste ‘demonstration projects’.
Green Gain is applying the learning from this research to
help waste management companies to develop new services on food waste
collection. We are providing an interim management service to take waste
collectors through a six step plan to establish a food waste collection:
We are then using the business plan to help waste companies to
access capital funding to invest in delivering their new service. In some areas, capital grant funding is still
available for such initiatives.
Demand for food waste collections by businesses is growing. The
UK as a whole needs to comply with the requirements of the revised EU Waste
Framework Directive, which includes a regulatory target to reduce the amount
biodegradable waste landfilled to 35% of that produced in 1995 by 2020. In
Scotland non-rural food businesses producing over 50kgs of food waste per week already
have to present that food waste for separate collection.
If your business is looking to establish or grow a food
waste collection, then get in touch with Green Gain and we will explain how we
can help you get this right.
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