Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Significantly reduce your energy bill at no cost. But hurry as the offer ends on the 15th March 2015 on a first come, first served basis

GreenGain is working in partnership with social enterprise iPower (a UK developer of low carbon projects) to promote the take up of the FREE BlueGEN micro-CHP (Combined Heat and Power) units.

BlueGEN is the only Fuel Cell Micro CHP product in the UK to receive MCS accreditation and thus, eligible for Feed In Tariff. BlueGen is the world’s most efficient small-scale product to convert natural gas into power and heat.
Key features:

  • The BlueGEN model is a free model based on recovery of value through the 10 year FITs guarantee – in this case, iPower pays for (and owns) the fuel cells and the FITs go back to the funder. BlueGen ownership can pass to customer after ten years.
  • The user pays for service (approx £520 per annum (yr 1) rising with RPI over 10 years) and for the gas supply (commercial/domestic grid connection required).
  • The savings are made because of the efficiency of the fuel cell in generating electricity and heat from the gas – this typically translates to a 20-45% saving on total energy import displaced by the BlueGEN (i.e. combination of heat as well as power).
Benefits and Costs:
  • Onsite supply of electricity: 13000+ kWh/year
  • Onsite supply of heat: 6000+ kWh/year
  • CO2 reduction: 3.6+ tonnes /year
  • Costs: cost of gas supply to BlueGen unit and cost of service contract.
Eligibility Requirements:
  • Gas supply to building and space for BlueGen with standard installation
  • Electrical load of 20,000+ kWh per year and the ability to use all power generated by the BlueGen unit. No export meter.
  • Ability to utilize approx. 200L hot water/day
  • Minimum 10 year interest in the property
  • Acceptable credit risk assessment.
So if you are interested in hearing more about the FREE BlueGEN then please contact Ashley Robb at:

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